Review: A Child of Science – Bristol Old Vic

Jamie Glover and Tom Felton in A Child of Science


In 1978 the world was shaken by the news that the first ever “test tube baby” had been born after conception by in vitro fertilisation experiment (IVF) in Oldham General Hospital, Lancashire.

While the experiment has been lauded among “the most remarkable medical breakthroughs of the 20th Century”, the procedure and it’s developers were initially met with deep scepticism and criticism from the worlds media and scientific heavy weights.

The term “IVF” is now a household phrase, but the names behind this world-changing procedure remain widely unknown. A Child of Science is a brilliant new play from Gareth Farr’s which works to change this.

Patrick Steptoe, Robert Edwards, and Jean Purdy may be the names behind this pioneering story, but this remarkable production also tell the story of the army of women from all over the UK whose immense bravery helped achieve the impossible – to create human life in vitro.

The story is told through passion and drama, and is executed wonderfully by the team. The cast is led by Tom Felton as Robert Edwards, Meg Bellamy as Jean Purdy and Jamie Glover as Patrick Steotoe, but a special mention simply must go to Adele Leonce who’s performance as Margaret can only be described as beautifully heartbreaking.

A Child of Science is a deeply moving and uplifting production which educates audiences about the medical marvel that changed the fate of thousands of families.

This is a show not to be missed and can be caught at the Bristol Old Vic till 6th July.

For more information or to purchase your tickets, click here.

Performance Attended: Tuesday 11th June 2024 (PR Invite)

Cast at the Performance Attended: Adelle Leonce, Amy Loughton, Bebe Sanders, Bobby Hirston, Everal A. Walsh, Gruffudd Glyn, Jamie Glover, Meg Bellamy, Saikat Ahamed, Sonoya Mizuno and Tom Felton

Images courtesy of Helen Murray

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